Hot Patching sqlservr.exe in Azure SQL Database

An amazing blog post by Microsoft describing the idea of hot patching the database engine in Azure SQL Database to allow for minimal downtime when applying patches to SQL Server. We know that it is one of the benefits of Azure SQL Database but now we get some insight into how it’s done.

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SQL Server Tracking Suspect Pages

Did you know that SQL Server tracks suspect pages and puts the details into the msdb database in a table called suspect_pages? Well it does, but the question I want answering is what happens if the page within the suspect pages table is fixed? Does it automatically get removed/updated or do we as the administrators have to do anything manually?

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SQL Server Recovering Data via a Hex Editor

I got bored (really bored) one weekend I decided to challenge myself.  I had corruption within a specific table (localised within a page) with no backups handy only an old image of the data files. The challenge being salvage data without attaching the data files.

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