Backup Techniques for SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines

In the previous blog post I did a quick overview building a SQL VM (imaged) in Azure. It is now time to clarify some backup techniques because it can get confusing.

At a high level there are 3 techniques.

  • Automated backup.
  • Azure backup for SQL VM (that’s what MS call it).
  • Manual backup, for example backup to URL.

I prefer not setting up manual backups to storage accounts, I have done it, I just find it painful to  setup/support/fix. So my choice would be automated backup vs “Azure backup” for SQL VM. What’s the difference?

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SQL Server Virtual Machines in Azure

Let’s create a virtual machine in Azure that has an imaged copy of SQL Server on it. I want to do this because down the line I want to show how you can setup automated backups to a storage account based on an IaaS extension, when I do that I will most likely talk about the different backup options because there are many.

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SQL Server Management Studio

Hopefully you know that SSMS is a separate install from the main SQL Server install. You can find the binaries from Microsoft ( Using SSMS version 18.2, whilst playing around with the options I noticed a dark theme was available, easy to say I got a little excited, then I didn’t.


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SQL server and Java?

I was generally reading about SQL Server and how things have changed since the days of just having it within a Windows Eco-system only. It then led me to a cool website, SQL Server development – build an app using SQL server where you can get to see the high-level requirements of starting to build a solution based on a wide variation of languages and operating systems.

There are many combinations possible with SQL Server being the back-end database of choice.

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SQL Server – max server memory

Another re-post of a video from last year, this time showing you an in-built protection of setting max server memory for your SQL Server. You can clearly see that if you enter a silly figure such as 50 MB, the minimum memory amount allowable for max server memory is 128 MB. You will see SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) change it to 128MB.

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SQL Server Looking into Differential Backups

I seem to be writing solely about Azure so to shake things up a bit I am going back to my “roots”. In SQL Server your differential backup is cumulative and NOT incremental and a differential will contain the data that has changed since the last full backup.

Let’s dig in using DBCC PAGE.

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Moving off SQL Server 2008 / R2 – What can Azure offer?

You will very likely know that SQL Server 2008 / R2 end of support is on July 9th 2019. Not that long to start thinking about and assessing your options. For this post I just want to discuss couple of things that you can do and I specifically mention Azure technologies, think of this as a high level starter guide.

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